Super for your staff

To find out more about superannuation arrangements for your staff contact Hillman Morgan, Financial Advisers in Toowoomba on ph 07 4659 9881.

Helping your employees prepare for their financial future is vital and superannuation is one of the key benefits you as an employer can offer your employees.

Corporate superannuation can also provide other employee benefits such as insurance cover (often with automatic acceptance) as well as member services and education.

Common questions to consider:

  • What is the most appropriate superannuation solution for my employees?
  • Is insurance cover provided automatically as part of the plan?
  • Can I maintain my company’s identity while still outsourcing superannuation arrangements?
  • What is a policy committee and do I need one?
  • What is Choice of Fund and how will it affect my employees?
  • Can I pay super contributions electronically and is a clearing house facility important?

How we can help

We can:

  • Review your current superannuation arrangements.
  • Help you establish a corporate superannuation plan that best suits your circumstances.
  • Assist with setting up a policy committee and provide ongoing involvement and support.
  • Provide advice around insurance arrangements.
  • Help you understand and meet your compliance obligations.
  • Provide financial planning services to your employees as members of your corporate super plan.
  • Provide member education and communications.

What to do next:

To find out more about superannuation arrangements for your staff contact Hillman Morgan, Financial Advisers in Toowoomba on ph 07 4659 9881.

Advice and information on this page is intended as a guide for you to consider when thinking about your financial situation. It does not take account of your personal circumstances. Therefore, consider it together with your overall circumstances before making a decision about your financial future. Alternatively, come in and speak with us about how we can help.

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